Historic Ordinance Preservation Task Force Applications

At the January 23, 2018 City Council meeting (video found here) the council voted to form a Historic Preservation Ordinance Task Force which will attempt to reach consensus on the Historic Preservation Ordinance and provide recommendations back to the City Council. The task force will consist of nine members of the public selected by City Council Members Toni Iseman and Steve Dicterow who will act as liaisons and non-voting members of the task force.  It is important to note that applicants may be contacted by a City Council member prior to the appointments so applicants should be prepared to make a brief statement about their desire to serve on this task force.

To be considered, applications must be submitted to the City Clerk at 505 Forest Avenue,
Laguna Beach no later than Wednesday, February 28, 2018, at 5:30 p.m

The application can be found here:


Historic Preservation Ordinance Task Force Interviews and Appointments Scheduled for March 20, 2018 at 4pm


Copies of the applications received can be found here:





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